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Panacea Daily producing organic skin / dental care on Gabriola Island

Panacea Herbs featured in Folklife Magazine!

Panacea Herbs featured in Folklife Magazine!

Picture an old white farmhouse rooted amid gardens and trees, a rusting school bus and workshops. A U-shaped driveway directs you straight back to the place you came from, should you carry with you the scent of city and speed. For in this old house live stories of seas and herbs and manifestations.

Here is where she plants and grows, harvests and wild forages. Here is where she infuses and concocts, distills and mixes. Here is where she heals and soothes, enlivens and prevents. Here is where she bottles and packages, promotes and sells. Here is where she lives and works and mothers—in an old farmhouse that she dreamed into being 22 years ago.

“My boys were starting to complain of tasting soap on their toast and essential oils in their juice.”

“It kind of felt like we were beating the system ... and herbalism was a part of all that somehow!”