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Coconut Chocolate Chai Tea

I woke up to an early November frosty morning. A perfect day for picking rosehips. Before heading out, I made myself one of my newest delicious warm winter concoction. I was inspired by almost a lifetime of simmering homemade chai in the winter months. Its always nice to have a warm drink on the stove throughout the winter and chai only gets better as it brews.  This year Ive added a couple of "super foods" to ramp up my brew. To start, this is how I make my homemade chai tea.


2 tsp of each, cinnamon, ginger. 1tsp of cardomon and pepper corns in 6 cups of boiling water. Let sit on the stove at a low simmer for half an hour or longer. The longer the simmer, the stronger the brew. I also like to add a few other herbs depending on the time of year and availability such as roasted dandelion root, tumeric root, burdock root, yellow dock root, echinacea root, chicory, cloves, anise, etc


For a little something special add to a blender:

one cup chai tea (from above), 1tsp coconut oil, 1tsp cocao powder, 1 1/2tsp honey. Blend and drink! 

1 comment

  • Hello Margo, we just served your delicious Chai Tea for dessert at our family dinner. It was a big hit! It was rich and creamy and oh so fragrant. Thank you for the wonderful recipe.
    Keep them coming!!

    Janet Peiffer

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